Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Introduction to '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

Let's start with a little background and some 'honesty knowledge'. (You'll soon see that 'honest knowledge' is important in eliminating fear. This is because dishonest, incomplete and false knowledge is a significant part in how our mind creates fear in the first place.)

After 13 years of consciously building driving mastery, helping fearful drivers take back control and conquering many of my own personal fears, I’ve uncovered several specific, universal truths about how and why millions of people have a fear of driving.

In the Academy Of Road Mastery - Confidence Course, we discuss the ‘why and how’ of how fears get created and how to eliminate them. And then we move beyond all that and cover how to ‘build skills’ thus continually eliminating those fears.

...Hardly any ‘fear elimination coaches’ focus on ‘building skills’! And those who do often teach and preach inaccurate, misleading and false knowledge that actually causes even more fear, which traps people in an endless cycle of wondering how to make forward progress.

(To get all '10 Key Elements to Eliminate a Fear of Driving' in their entirety, get the free, report here)

Element 1 of '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

Note: Each element builds on the others and plays a vital role in accelerating your success. The more you implement each of them, the quicker and more powerful your progress will be.

Element 1: Forward Moving Action

Any ‘forward moving action’ is better than ‘no action’! ‘No action’ is an ‘action’ (inaction), which is most often detrimental to your success. So make sure to take some ‘forward moving action’ every day so that you can continually break the cycle of inaction.

(Simply reading these daily emails is taking some action. ...Where are you at with 'taking action'? Do you drive daily, weekly or not at all?)

How often do we make ‘taking action’ harder than it needs to be? How often do we rationalize reasons to not take action or to put off taking actions that we know would benefit us? We all do it at one time or another. Yet once we do ‘take action’ we benefit in so many ways.

Doesn’t it feel good when we ‘take action’? I know it does for me!

The main benefits of ‘taking action’ are: 1) we are moving forward and making progress, 2) the rewards of accomplishment, which includes increasing confidence, self esteem and control, 3) it allows us to clear the clutter in our mind and build a positive vision (rather than the negative one that we allow ourselves to create when we don’t take action), and 4) just important, is that it also enables us to take even more action... the next step!

The tricky thing about ‘taking action’ is...
click here to read more and to get free fear of driving coaching.

Element 2 of '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

But first, a quick rant about that common phrase that I'm sure you've heard time and time again...

"Just get out there and drive, it'll get better!"

I know you've had people tell you this, haven't you?

Doesn't that just bug the hell out of you?

Whenever I hear a anyone say that, it drives me crazy. What that tells me is that that person has no idea what you are going through or what is creating your fears... let alone how to eliminate them.

(I'll share with you at a later date why and how I can relate to this so well. I'll also share how it enabled me to uncover some unique technology that I've used to conquer many fears in my life!)

The reason 'just drive' isn't the answer to driving fears, is because if you don't get to the root of the problem and replace your false driving beliefs with honest, factual knowledge then forcing yourself to 'just drive' means very little.

The extent that 'just drive' does help is the extent to which you uncover the right information on your own and answer the 'unknowns' that are creating your fears! But that's not easy and it's usually a very slow and painful process.

Plus, do you know what happens when you 'practice' with false information?

That 'false information' gets deeper and deeper engrained within you and it becomes harder and harder to resolve.

In order to willfully drive, first start dispelling the bad information and start bringing in the good. By doing so, you can transition from 'forcing yourself to drive' to 'wanting to drive', which will make a world of difference.

This 'honest knowledge' that I speak of is what my work is all about, and I'm here for you when you're ready and I guarantee results!

I'll even give you a tremendous amount of knowledge that most drivers go their entire life without ever knowing!

My goal is to not only show you how to EASILY eliminate your fear of driving but how to also advance to a state of continually growing safety, power, confidence, freedom and control behind the wheel.

More on 'good vs. bad knowledge' in the days to come, lets move on to Element 2.


Element 2: Planning and ‘Having a Plan’

I think we all know that ‘planning’ and ‘having a plan’ are important for success. Without a plan, we are simply spinning our wheels with no direction in site.

To have a plan is to see what we want and how we can achieve it.

(These '10 Elements' is a PLAN to build a solid fear-elimination foundation for you to grow from. There's other planning that require your attention too if you want success.)

The act of creating a plan is a ‘forward moving action’ that does result in all the benefits of Element 1. This action will make all other actions easier.

One of the biggest benefits of ‘planning’ is that it allows you to continue to build a positive vision... a positive mindset.

There are four main areas that I see where ‘creating a plan’ is most important. They are:

* Having a goal (a planned end result)
* Course of Action (a step-by-step plan to follow)
* Mindset (how do you ‘plan’ to continue to change negative, harmful thoughts to positive, beneficial thoughts?)
* Increasing skills (a plan to build expertise)

This is what I’ve been creating for you in the Elite and VIP Members area and is one thing that we’ll work on together in our coaching.

'Planning' is nothing new is it? We all know that 'having a plan' is important and valuable. But seriously, how many of us actually create a FULL plan and then follow-through with it to completion. I certainly know that there have been several times that I didn't.

(fyi: By me being brutally honest about myself, my goal is to let you know that I too (as with everyone) am human and that we all have areas of our life that we are working on... and that's OK and natural! :)

So with that said let's cover several specific plans that you ideally want in order to take control of your fear of driving:

...click here see your plans and to read more

Final note: I'd like to think your 'fear elimination plan' includes continually reading these emails, logging in to your ARM membership account, requesting a one-one-one coaching call and upgrading to the VIP or Elite membership (if you haven't already).

Element 3 of '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

But first, here's some fun, honest knowledge about a very common phrase that I hear all the time...

"Practic makes perfect"

That sound simple enough doesn't it?

Well, as simple as that may sound and as innocent as it may seem on the surface, that statement is false and can even be disasterous!

Do you know what happens when you 'practice' with false information?

That 'false information' gets deeper and deeper engrained within you and it becomes harder and harder to resolve. Not only that, but to become truely successful is virtually impossible without the right information

Here's a crude analogy... A doctor using a butter knife instead of a scalpul to perform heart surgery. No matter how much he 'practices perfectly', he'll never be a master until he gets the right information.

The way I like to upgrade that cliche so that it is more accurate is:

"Perfect practice makes perfect!"

Once you think about it, that does make more sense doesn't it. But even so, 'perfect practice' is irrelevent. To want to be perfect is a futile dream that mainly brings pain and heartache!

Now let's make that statement even more honest...

"Continual practice with the right knowledge is how to achieve excellence."

That's definitely not as sexy but it is honest. And once you can make this distinction, you can free yourself from the burden of perfection and you can free yourself to start acquiring more honest knowledge rather than relying on sound-bytes and cliches.

And believe me when I say that most of what we are taught about driving and traffic is false, misleading, dishonest knowledge!

(I've included Elements 3 & 4 in this email since they are so closely related. Take special note to the 'conclusions' that are listed towards the end of Element 4, they play a big role in creating your mindset. Start eliminating them today!)

Element 3: Positive Mindset vs. Negative Mindset

I know I don’t need to explain that ‘mindset’ affects our fears. What I do want to share are some of the ways we create a negative mindset, and how we can stop that and start creating a positive mindset.

Also, I want to start shedding light on how a lot of the information and knowledge that we are taught and that we take in, actually creates that negative mindset that is so devastating to your driving success.

Here are a few of the ways that ‘negative mindsets’ are created and nurtured.

* Rationalizations (and other limiting thoughts/beliefs)
* Drivers Ed./Society/The NEWS (teach limiting beliefs and instill fear that affect your mindset)
* Parents (they may mean well but often create fear)
* Thoughts of your previous accidents or near collisions
* Thoughts of your parents accidents or near collisions
* Thoughts of ‘road rage’ which can occur on your own, as well as from the NEWS, your parents and society in general.

What is your desired mindset?

1. Looking back, how can you frame your past driving situation in a positive light. (There are benefits to having gone through the pain of having a fear of driving.)
2. How can you frame your current situation in a positive way so that you can more easily take action and move forward?
3. What do you see for your future driving mindset?

The above three exercises can be difficult since we’ve spent so much time thinking negative and very little time building the positive vision.

So, I started to think of how we can use our current success (outside of driving) to help build a strong, beneficial vision for driving. I then took it a step further and uncovered distinctions and insights on how to use those some ‘current success outside of driving’ to uncover and validate new driving knowledge that isn’t readily available.

Much of my work is ‘new driving knowledge’ that will help build skills and confidence. But not being exposed to it before... and having been exposed to misleading, harmful knowledge for so long, a way to confirm the ‘new knowledge’ is very helpful in building your positive mindset.

Your areas of expertise, your profession, your hobbies, your skills outside of driving can be used to help build confidence and eliminate driving fears!

This is another fun area that we focus on in the Elite and VIP Memberships, which results in numerous insights and great rewards.

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Element 4 of '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

Element 4: Honest Knowledge vs. Dishonest Knowledge

This element is where most fear is created. Likewise, it is also how you can eliminate most of your fears!

Advanced driving knowledge is what separates me from most every other driving coach on the planet. It is also what has allowed me to have the success that I have had with clients.

For over a decade now, I’ve been ‘thinking outside the box’ about nearly all aspects of driving. It started with uncovering the true cause of traffic congestion. Then I focused on how it could be eliminated. I then moved to understanding one’s own driving and then to understanding other drivers. Then I moved to the cause and cure of road rage, the truth about ‘cell phones and driving’, how to foresee and prevent accidents and finally, how to eliminate fear and build mastery.

What I’ve come to realize is that much of what most everyone is taught about driving is false, inaccurate or misleading!

I know I’ve mentioned that already, and that’s because it’s critical to your success and has everything to do with you having the mindset and the fear that you do.

Let me give you a real quick non-driving related example...

Sharks! Hundred of millions of people are afraid of sharks. But if you talk to shark experts or have seen documentaries on the truth about sharks then you know that sharks aren’t as dangerous as we’ve been ‘educated’ to believe. But thanks to the NEWS, generalizations about sharks and movies like JAWS, it’s very easy to create a negative mindset (fear) about sharks.

To eliminate that fear of sharks requires ‘honest knowledge’. First, getting rid of the false, incomplete knowledge and second, replacing it with honest, accurate information. And if we want to eliminate that fear for good and build skills, confidence and control around the shark issue then we want to take systematic, physical actions to do so (Elements 5 & 6).

Note: Eliminating the ‘wrong knowledge’ and getting the ‘right knowledge’ is only half the battle. ‘Building skills’ is the other half. Elements 5 and 6 introduce you to how to systematically build skills thus squashing fears once and for all.

Below are several areas of knowledge that I’ve spent over a decade studying and mastering.

* Good, honest information
* Bad, false, incomplete info.
* Conclusion thinking/speaking
* About different driving scenarios (not what you think)
1. Mirrors
2. Intersections
3. On-ramps
4. Changing lanes
5. Accelerating
6. Decelerating
7. Following distance
* Common misconceptions
1. Faster drivers
2. Slowing down is safest
3. Going the ‘speed limit’ is safest
4. Road-rage: What causes it and how to eliminate it?
5. ‘Just practice’
6. ‘Practice makes perfect’

The above topics (and many others) play a part in why people have a fear of driving. Likewise, ‘getting clear’ (honest knowledge) about those topics is significant in eliminating those fears. I can and do go into great detail, but that’s not my purpose here today.

What I do want to share with you right now is something that affects most everyone and it impacts our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. That is ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’.

Simply put, ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’ is harmful to our success because it locks us into thinking one way and limits our growth.

There is ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’ all over the place. Both inside driving and in life in general. We’ll discuss the ‘driving conclusions’ later.

Below are several conclusions that most everyone uses on a daily basis. And each time we do use them, it limits our options. Make a conscious effort to eliminate them in your thoughts and your speech and you’ll feel and see a big difference.

A final note on ‘conclusions’:
Every ‘conclusion’, can be worded and framed in a more honest way that allows growth and opportunity. Every time you notice a ‘conclusion’ in your words or thoughts, take the time to think of how you can say/think it differently. (Next to each conclusion below, I offer an alternative that can be used in it’s place.)

Several general ‘conclusions’ (and their alternative) are:

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"What If I Understood Why I Constantly Ask Myself 'What If'? And What Does It Have To Do With My Fear of Driving"?

Tonights free call is about those two magic words, 'What if...'.

These words can, do and will continue to determine exactely what you achieve and exactely what you feel... about every area of life.

The following is documentation of the insights and breakthroughs achieved by the individuals on this call who all have a fear of driving or driving anxiety/phobia.