Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Element 4 of '10 Key Elements To Eliminating Any and All Fear of Driving and Becoming a More Skilled, More Confident, Well-rounded Motorist!

Element 4: Honest Knowledge vs. Dishonest Knowledge

This element is where most fear is created. Likewise, it is also how you can eliminate most of your fears!

Advanced driving knowledge is what separates me from most every other driving coach on the planet. It is also what has allowed me to have the success that I have had with clients.

For over a decade now, I’ve been ‘thinking outside the box’ about nearly all aspects of driving. It started with uncovering the true cause of traffic congestion. Then I focused on how it could be eliminated. I then moved to understanding one’s own driving and then to understanding other drivers. Then I moved to the cause and cure of road rage, the truth about ‘cell phones and driving’, how to foresee and prevent accidents and finally, how to eliminate fear and build mastery.

What I’ve come to realize is that much of what most everyone is taught about driving is false, inaccurate or misleading!

I know I’ve mentioned that already, and that’s because it’s critical to your success and has everything to do with you having the mindset and the fear that you do.

Let me give you a real quick non-driving related example...

Sharks! Hundred of millions of people are afraid of sharks. But if you talk to shark experts or have seen documentaries on the truth about sharks then you know that sharks aren’t as dangerous as we’ve been ‘educated’ to believe. But thanks to the NEWS, generalizations about sharks and movies like JAWS, it’s very easy to create a negative mindset (fear) about sharks.

To eliminate that fear of sharks requires ‘honest knowledge’. First, getting rid of the false, incomplete knowledge and second, replacing it with honest, accurate information. And if we want to eliminate that fear for good and build skills, confidence and control around the shark issue then we want to take systematic, physical actions to do so (Elements 5 & 6).

Note: Eliminating the ‘wrong knowledge’ and getting the ‘right knowledge’ is only half the battle. ‘Building skills’ is the other half. Elements 5 and 6 introduce you to how to systematically build skills thus squashing fears once and for all.

Below are several areas of knowledge that I’ve spent over a decade studying and mastering.

* Good, honest information
* Bad, false, incomplete info.
* Conclusion thinking/speaking
* About different driving scenarios (not what you think)
1. Mirrors
2. Intersections
3. On-ramps
4. Changing lanes
5. Accelerating
6. Decelerating
7. Following distance
* Common misconceptions
1. Faster drivers
2. Slowing down is safest
3. Going the ‘speed limit’ is safest
4. Road-rage: What causes it and how to eliminate it?
5. ‘Just practice’
6. ‘Practice makes perfect’

The above topics (and many others) play a part in why people have a fear of driving. Likewise, ‘getting clear’ (honest knowledge) about those topics is significant in eliminating those fears. I can and do go into great detail, but that’s not my purpose here today.

What I do want to share with you right now is something that affects most everyone and it impacts our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. That is ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’.

Simply put, ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’ is harmful to our success because it locks us into thinking one way and limits our growth.

There is ‘conclusion thinking/speaking’ all over the place. Both inside driving and in life in general. We’ll discuss the ‘driving conclusions’ later.

Below are several conclusions that most everyone uses on a daily basis. And each time we do use them, it limits our options. Make a conscious effort to eliminate them in your thoughts and your speech and you’ll feel and see a big difference.

A final note on ‘conclusions’:
Every ‘conclusion’, can be worded and framed in a more honest way that allows growth and opportunity. Every time you notice a ‘conclusion’ in your words or thoughts, take the time to think of how you can say/think it differently. (Next to each conclusion below, I offer an alternative that can be used in it’s place.)

Several general ‘conclusions’ (and their alternative) are:

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